Jo Hibberd, Croyde Ocean Triathlon Race Director, sat down with Elite British triathletes Dee Allen and Hannah Munday to get an insight into their triathlete world at a morning hosted by the team at BornBound.
They had a lovely chin-wag, talked BornBound Tri gear, the Croyde Ocean Tri, and an athlete’s performance linked to breathing with The Breath Coach, Thomas. They also got some tips from Trevor Perkins, a Triathlon Coach based in North Devon.
Where did your triathlon journey start?
Dee: I can run all day; I just added the swim and bike and gave it a go at uni!
Hannah: My triathlon journey started in a pub, whilst at university. After a beer or two, some friends convinced me to join the triathlon club on the track for a run session and the rest is history. I’m definitely someone who trains to eat, and with the amount of training triathletes do, I enjoy replacing those calories!”
What’s your most memorable triathlon and why?
Dee: Winning the Bolton Iron Man in 2022 in front of my home crowd. The emotion of the race and the overwhelming sense of pride were awesome. I love a race with a special location and iconic moments. Although Running through the local villages at the Ulta X Morocco and seeing the smiles on the kids faces as you ran through and gave them a high five was a real heart-warming highlight.
Hannah: Kona 2023. I watched the sunrise while my stomach turned knots. I felt like I was on a film set. All the iconic images I have spent years watching on TV, now included me in the flesh. It was incredible!
While Mark Sinclair and Mark Ressel (Res) from BornBound are making a cuppa, Jo asks: What do you really think of the BornBound kit?
Dee: When I put the suit on, it melts onto my body, like I am not even wearing it. It is good kit and great when running in the heat, putting it to the test; I recently ran and won the Ultra X Morocco race, while on holiday!
Hannah: They have thought of everything and in my mind if Jack Hutchens is wearing it, it should be pretty good! There is never a seam where it shouldn’t be.

Have you ever noticed any triathlons where the organisers have been focused on making the event sustainable?
Dee: Not really, which is a shame, but I can see you are trying to instigate change. It is something we can all do better. You say you are planning to offer collections from the train station – I think that is a great idea.
Hannah: Weymouth Triathlon had a go at getting rid of single use plastic bottles by giving athletes reusable plastic bottles. However your approach of bringing your own bottle for the bike is ideal. As for the run I love that you use reusable cups on your water stations, great idea quick and easy – well done. Athletes hate to stop and re-fill a bottle. Your reusable cups sound ideal and you even have a team to keep them washed and rotated. Well done.
I would love you to take part in the tenth Croyde Ocean Triathlon, are you up for it?
Dee: Yep, I love a tough tri and a challenge, count me in! The course sounds great. Stunning and Savage, can’t wait!
Hannah: Not really my type of event, I love to curl up on my TT and just go for it, head down no stopping. But, I would love to join the BornBound Team on the day and take in the view of the ocean!
A final question to Trevor, tell us about the breath work that you do with Thomas?
The science behind the theory appears to be magic! The recovery breathing technique has been a gamer changer me. I am able to cycle to and from work every day and get the most out the ride without fatigue as long as I do my recovery breathing session. Thomas the Breath Coach teaches life-changing, science-based breathing techniques to promote health, wellbeing, and performance.
And finally what are your two tips for the Croyde Ocean Triathlon for Dee to take to the start line?
Don’t go mad on the first part of the run, otherwise you hit the hill out of Croyde and end up crawling up the VERY STEEP hill.
Watch your speed at the ford near the start and finish of the bike. Too fast and you will feel the stone wall on your skin as I did!
Thanks for chatting to us Dee, Hannah and Trevor, and thanks for hosting BornBound. We can’t wait to get planning and preparing for race day.
Got any tips for newbies to the Croyde Ocean Tri, we would love to hear them – drop us an email: [email protected]
BornBound is a Croyde Ocean Triathlon Sponsor. Their new factory shop near Ilfracombe in North Devon is up and running. Drop by and see what’s on offer. Mark and Res always seem happy to stick the kettle on and talk about triathlons or just sport in general!